The Feminine RESET embodiment course

The feminine reset journey consists of five steps, each with its own theme and intention. It is a masterfully and magically crafted journey, designed to return you to your feminine essence and a place of surrender and balance.


The Opening: Designed to create an opening in the masculine/doing/overdrive loop that you are stuck in. It is designed to sooth you, to help you slow down, and come back to softness, and connection to your body. It is gentle, soft and loving!⁣

The Rebellion: After this opening is created it is time for the second step, the rebellion, and fully break the chains of resistance and do the opposite of what you were taught; aka feeling. It is designed to crack you open in an easeful and playful way.

The Liberation: Now that you are back into your body and connected to your emotions its time to use those tools to fully liberate you, freeing you from any fixed box or shape you have been stuck in. Get ready to unlock your natural ability to flow and change like water,

The Awakening: Once your heart is liberated the pathway to pleasure is cleared and ready to be walked, which is what you will be doing during step 4, the awakening. Time to awaken you sensuality and get in touch with your sexual, creative energy, the energy that will make you feel alive again!

The Grounding: Now that you are back home and your fire is burning again, it is key to make sure that this beautiful flame of aliveness doesn’t die out by the next little breeze or splash of water. Therefore, the final step, the grounding, will make sure that you anchor this reset in your body and life. Integrating the transformation in every cell of your body so you will be able to remember.

The feminine RESET includes:

πŸ’— 10 pre-recorded embodiment practices and meditations of around 30 minutes each. For every step there is a morning and an evening practice.

πŸ’— A pre-recorded opening and closing session, helping you craft your own personal RESET journey that fits and supports your schedule and life.

πŸ’— You get to keep all of the material forever, which means that you can do the reset yourself again and again whenever you need it; it is an invaluable resource!

The Feminine RESET embodiment course